Refugium Ideas?


I'm considering a DIY refugium for my 37g reef so that I can better control nitrate levels that continue to hold between 20-40ppm (this despite a DSB and weekly 5 gal H20 changes). I would like to grow caulerpa or some other form of macro-algae and would like to hear from others who may have built their own refugiums. Any and all suggestions are warmly welcomed!!
Thanks! SangySC

nm reef

Active Member
I added a DIY 30 gal refugium to my 55 reef several weeks ago.....flow rate is approximately 60-70 gals per hour.....several types of caulpera are rapidly growing....pod population is growing...nitrate level in system has gone from 10ppm to 0....use rubbermaid container/40 lbs natures ocean ls/50 lbs aragonite(carib sea)..5 lbs live rock curing tank crud/rubble...mine is set up to gravity return.....personally I think its a huge advantage for my system......keep us posted on the progress of yours :cool: