refugium light on 24/7?


I heard that if you don't keep a refugium light on 24/7 then it will start to pull nutrients out of the tank. Is this true or just a opinion?


Active Member
People run their refuge lighting 24/7 in efforts to prevent the macro algae from going sexual. There are different opinions on if this is necessary but it is said to help. A lot of it has to do with the type of algae and how often you prune the algae. It can still go sexual even when running the lighting 24/7 its just not as likely.
People run their refuge lighting opposite of the display to help stabilize the PH fluctuation. During photosyntheses plants, algae, etc consume CO2 and produce O2. When CO2 is replaced with O2 the PH in the water will raise... this is why your PH is at its highest just before lights out. After lights out the CO2 builds and lowers the PH. If you run the rufuge opposite of the display CO2 is always being consumed and replaced with O2 so it stabilizes the fluctuation.