refugium Light

vac man

I was thinking of using a generic aquarium hood with ballast that usually comes with cheap tanks. It has a 15w bulb but I think they make up to a 20w. It is a 24-inch hood off a 20gal tall. Do you think this is enough light for a refugium with algae in it? I use a small 100-watt fluorescent bulb and a 60-watt grows bulb in my other sump refugium. I just don’t know how much light this stuff needs. I run my other tank 24 7 and plan to do it with this one.
What do you think?
Vac Man I think my algae is a cellerpa. May not be correct spelling. IS there a better algae or do you have any ideas. I am using live sand, snails and the algae. This is a refugium only. I have a separate sump.
Thanks In advace.
The Vac Man