Refugium or Cannister Filter


New Member
I am about to set up a 55 gallon saltwater tank. It will be a fish only tank, with an Aqua C Remora Pro skimmer. What would be a better filter choice ? An Eheim Cannister Filter or an Aquafuge Refugium ?


Active Member
Both have different purposes, and I probably would recommend either running both or at least a smaller hang-on filter to go along with the fuge.


New Member
What does the filter do that could not be done by the refugium ? I could put macroalgae and if needed carbon inside the refugium I believe from reading. I am quite new to these products and trying to understand their function. My aquarium experience is freshwater raising discus and angels.


Active Member
A fuge is not going to pull out the large particles of waste and debris that a filter would. Even if you ran a small and cheap hang-on with a poly fiber pad in it to pull out and trap dirt from remaining in your tank, that would work.


New Member
I see, ok then my next question is: What would a $150 Eheim cannister filter do for me that a hang on power filter rated for 75 gallons would not ?


Active Member
It will give you more water flow, thus take out more gallons of water per hour. Some people like cannisters, others like hang on filters. It's all up to how you want your tank to look and how much money you are willing to spend. Personally, I don't think there is anything an emporer hang-on filter can't do that a cannister can, plus an emporer is 1/3 the price of that cannister. Plus, they are easier to keep clean as well.


New Member
thanks for your input, as it stands now I think I am going with the fuge, a remora c pro skimmer and a hand on filter of some kind.


I would get a refuge going first.... a canister is good for occasional carbon use or other temporary filtration needs... but you can throw a bag of carbon in your fuge too... not as efficient but it works... and the benefits of the fuge will outweigh those of the canister initially... just my opinion


Active Member
Refugium all the way, IMO. The others won't hurt, but any prefilter sponge on the overflow to the refugium would help with removing particulates. With that being said, is this a predator tank, or a FOWLR? If predators, or large fish, that could sway me to the Eheim and the refugium easily.


Active Member
i'd do fuge (or both if possible) but i've another point to make here.
cannister's are silent compared to hang on's. expensive but silent.