Refugium or sump or whatever.


So, I just got a ninety gallon aquarium, and I want to make it saltwater. It came with part of a trickle filter, the tower part with the bio balls and the piece with the holes and what have you. I used to know the names for all of this, but I've lost it in the last little while so bear with me, i guess. But yeah, I've got that and I'm thinking about getting a 20 gallon long and using them together. What I'm wondering is if the system I've got in mind will work.
So, it'll start with the trickle thing that I got. You know the one. It's got three chambers to it: the drip box thing (honestly I apologize for calling things this), and then two empty ones separated by egg crate, the plastic square stuff, I think that is what it's called. So, I think I'm going to put the bio balls in the second chamber and a big sponge filter thing in the third. then I am going to install it a few inches down in the long 20. I'm thinking that that's all that'll happen in the first chamber. then there will be a baffle or two, and then in the second chamber I'll have a deep sand bed and some live rock and some good lighting. Then some more baffles, and I'll set these ones up to have an air trap, and then I'll have a chamber with a heater, a skimmer, and the return pump, and a chiller if it's necessary.
All right, so what I want to know, is first off, is this a good setup with everything I'll need? Secondly, how are the sizes? It's a 20 gallon long, and the tower is 9x9x16, so in relation to my tank, is this a good size filter? And lastly, if someone wants to decipher all of the part names and let me know what they are called, I'll go ahead and edit this post so it is easier to understand. But, what I'm going for is like a wet/dry refugium hybrid.