refugium+P.skimmer+trickle filter+U.V. sterilizer?


I want to set up a refugium with some calupera to minimize my algae problem.
But, I am trying to figure out the order of the set up.
Do I have refugium with calupera and have the powerhead pushing water through the skimmer sitting in the refugium back into the refugium and then another powerhead to the wet/dry filter and then back to the tank?
What about a U.V. sterlizer, I figure this will kill all of the things coming from the fuge, right? so can I put it on before the fuge? I know there are some people that say U.V.'s don't belong on a reef , but if I want to use It where should it go?
DO all of the power heads need to be the same gpm in this config?
Mucho confuso!!


Active Member
Here is my humble .02 cents. If you are going to insist on the Uv sterilizer and the skimmer.....Put the UV before the wet dry, t a line off of your overflow and have that go to the fuge, and the fuge overflows to the wet/dry. Here is an old drawing for an old client of mine. He ran a seperate line to the fuge, the sump(with protein skimmer in it) and the UV sterilizer. The all overflowed into the same past of the sump were the return pump was. This kept the water going from the fuge from being treated before entering main tank. I have seen some pics since he added the fuge I built and his system looks pretty nice so I am guessing it works.


That's exactly how I've set mine up, very simple. I have an acrylic tank so drilling is easy.


There is no way that my skimmer and a powerhead could fit in the sump part of the wet/dry filter. How about if the powerhead takes the water from the sump in the wet dry to another tank(sump) that can hold the skimmer and powerhead and then returning to the tank?


You'll need more than just a powerhead to move water any distance, you will want to look at getting a pump. Mag 5's are about 50 bucks, not a huge investment.


you will want to baffle the part that holds the refuge vs. where the skimmer, and return pump is. The refuge will want very little current.