Refugium plans


Im going to turn a 40g breeder into a refugium these are my plans so far tell me what you think if it will work or if ill have any problems. The water will come in through a flat acrylic box with holes drilled in the bottom, it was on top of my sump and fits perfect over the 40. Im not sure about the bio balls part some people say use them some dont. Im also not sure on the chaeto side with the water going through the baffle on the bottom, I saw this design on someone elses tank but they had the watter flowing over the top out of the chaeto.


I made a 40 gallon breeder refugium for my current set up. I t has baffles on each side one side in/protien skimmer and the opposite out. I left enough room in the middle for my plenum with 60#'s of sand caluerpa and 24 hour lighting.send you a pic tommorow


A guy who sets up aquariums as his job says having all the flow in a refugium go through the chaeto is too much flow and it wont have time to absorb the nutrients