Refugium Plants ???


Active Member
o.k so are these plants good for the refugium?? whata re the requirements? like/dislikes etc.
Shaving Brush
Green or Red Gracillaria
Red Mangrove Sprouts
Halmedia Plants
Green Maidens Hair
Ulva/Sea Lettuce


look for chaeto...i have it in my fuge and its great...i know that chaeto is very easy, drop it in your fuge, turn on the light and let it go...also, if you need to turn the light of this also is a good plant b/c it takes longer for it to go sexual like other plants and you dont want that either! After a while it will fill up your fuge and you'll trim it back and give it to others or you LFS for credit!
hope this helps!


Active Member
thanks i already have cheato, im looking for something more and different because i can never find anyone with cheato to sell or give me and i need alot of it!


A small bit of chaeto will go a long ways. It grows really fast with the correct lighting and soon you will be having to remove some of it.
The others are fine but make sure you keep most of them trimmed. I had the red gracillaria go sexual and it went everywhere(display, protein skimmer).Huge pain to clean up and am still having to deal with it.
You can find a starter kit for chaeto online and a lot of people sell them on the big auction site.
Hope this helps