Refugium question??? Please help

Ok i have a 120 Gal reef. I dont have a sump or anything like that. I just run a fluval 404 filter and then i have my deep sand bed and my LR and stuff. The question is this...
Is it possible for me to add a refugium to my tank even though i dont have any "plumbing" on it right now. Thanks


short answer is yes. for more detail we need to know more about your tank.
glass or acryllic
stand info and dimensions of space under stand
how much room between back of tank and wall
If you have a glass tank you can get a hang on overflow and then do DIY pvc plumbing for the return. Or get your tank drilled for an internal overflow. for an acrylic tank you can easily get it drilled and add an internal overflow. either way it's do-able.