refugium question


I am turning a 10 gal. tank into a refugium and have a question. I'm using a small powerhead to pump the water back into the tank, should I use one to bring it in? I was going to let siphon suction do the work but now I'm not sure that will work. Let me know what you think. Thanks.


The 'fuge is next to my display tank on a stand that is equal in height to my display's stand. It isn't hooked into a sump or anything else.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jkhudson
The 'fuge is next to my display tank on a stand that is equal in height to my display's stand. It isn't hooked into a sump or anything else.
Sounds identical to my set-up.

I have a pump that pumps water up to the tank, and then gravity drains it back down to the sump. This method has worked wonderfully for me for the past year.
I have two drains in the left corner, and water comes in from the right corner.