New Member
I have a berlin style sump the incoming water goes through a sock and then is skimmed in that same part of the sump, then it flows over to the clean side of the sump through the sponge divider and back to the display tank. I built a 5.5 gal fuge that I have next to the clean side of the sump and sitting higher than the sump. Water is pumped from the clean side of the sump to the fuge and then it over flows through a bulkhead out of the fuge to the skimming side of the sump. It was overflowing back to the clean side of the sump but I had microbubble problems and had to have it flow over to the other side of the sponge to take care of that. I am growing Chaetomorpha in the fuge. Does anyone see any problems with what I have going on? Or any ideas on how to better do it?