Refugium question.


So I now have the refugium up and running. Does anyone use a pump in there's ? I thought that I've read that you should use a pump to create movement across the top of the sand but that only seems to blow the chaeto all around.


The way I have mine setup is a 145gph pump in the sump, which pumps into my fuge, then have another 145gph pump inside the fuge which returns the water to the sump. It has been going for 3 weeks now and seems to be doing fine.


Is yours a hang on back ? I have a 35" 35 gallon wet/dry sump that is supplied by one of my predrilled drains. Then totaly seperate I have a 31" 30 gallon refugium with an 18" 20 gallon safe grow section. This is the area with the sand and chaeto. I will be adding live rock and reef bugs too. there is no water movement in lower water area. when I put a 70 gph in this section it blew the chaeto everywhere. Maybe a smaller pump ?


can you show pics of the sumps so we can see the setup ups would help us out alot.
IMO I wouldn't put and thing but A transfer from sump to sump and a return pump in there. That flow will be enough. It will run threw it all by itself


No my fuge and sump are not hang ons. I got tired of looking at all the contraptions hanging on the back of the tank and upgraded
I use a 10gal tank for my fuge, and my sump is an Eshopps 25gal sump.
What if you put the cheato into a mesh bag of some type? That would cut down on it rolling around.