Refugium sizing


I have a 29 gal tank and am giving serious consideration to a refugium. My biggest question right now is sizing. Is there such a thing as too big or is there a % of tank size that is advised.
I have similar questions about a sump.
I want to try to get as much junk out of my display as possible. ie heater, skimmer. They really detract from the astetics and take up a lot of room.


Active Member
I don't no of any rule of thumb for a sump or fuge size. The sump really only has to be big enough to hold what ever you intend to put in it. The fuge, the bigger the better IMO.
I would see what is going to fit in the space you have in mind and go from there.


I was thinkink about making the space to fit the fuge if ya know what i mean. I want to add some volume to the system


Well-Known Member
I think the main concern would be how much space do you have and where is that space. If you put them in the stand right below the tank, then the largest that will fit in the stand should size it.


Active Member

Originally posted by Lochi
I was thinkink about making the space to fit the fuge if ya know what i mean. I want to add some volume to the system

Yep, I know what you mean. Here's how I did mine.