Refugium/Sump Above Tank


Anyone ever done this? Any problems I might not have thought of. I was just planning to have it overflow into the tank and pump water back up to it. I don't have room under the tank (46 gallon) and my wife won't let me go through the wall into the closet on the other side of the wall. I was planning to build a bookshelf like stand over the tank for the fuge/sump and probably have a cabinet way up there for books, supplements, etc.....
Any ideas or comments would greatly be appreciated, thanks.


I have a few other questions if you don't mind.
Did you drill the fuge? Is that your overflow box on the top right of the photo? If so, is the water noisy as it tumbles down to the outflow?
How noisy (water splashing noise) is your system?
Did you try putting an elbow in your display at the end of the return from the fuge? I would think that would keep it from bubbling, but I have never done this before.
Do you have any type of mechanical filtration? I am currently using a Fluval and it seems to build up a lot of detritus and I think its the reason for my higher than wanted nitrate.
Thanks for your first reply and any other help that you can give.


Its probally the best thing you can do to ensure pods make it to the display safely.