

Active Member
Hi Guys,
OK this is a two fold question - firstly, what is the difference between a sump and a refugium, or are they the same? What advantages do they bring?
Secondly, it is practically impossible for it to be above my tank, and I heard it is difficult when it is below? How do you connect it up?
Thanks for the help and all the best,


best way to learn is to do a search on this forum, and look online via search engines so you can understand the design and structure, also the concept behind both.


a sump can be a fuge, what is inside the container decides what it is called.
there are about 15 threads looking at this exact issue if you just look at stuff entitled refugium for the last 2 days. id post here, but as ive already explained this with nifty charts and diagrams 4 or 5 times today, ill save people the bandwidth of having to download my little paint sketches again :)


Don't forget though that sumps usually have some sort of filtration where a refugium is the filtration. Also, with sumps you can have higher flow rates and a refugium you would want them relitively low.