Refugium Uses


Active Member
What is the use for a refugium? I know people put plants in it to grow macro, right? What is macro? And What else do you use it for?

nm reef

Active Member
I use a refugium for several reasons:
1-additional water volume(the more water volume the more stable the system)
2-refuge for micro infauna such as copepods...isopods...amphipods...mine even has mysis shrimp thriving.All of which can become a natural food source for the fish and corals in the display.
3-macro algaes for comsumption and removal of excess nutrients...macro algaes are basically larger types of algaes such as caulperas which can compete for nutrients with micro algaes(smaller algaes)
4-refugiums can in general add to the filtration abilities of a well balanced system


kip- that's a great use for the fuge that i have yet to hear! no corals yet but someday i'll use that tip.
i love my fuge (even though its a rubbermaid and hard to see anything inside it). i've had my tank up for about 4 months now and, since its cycled after the 1st month, trates have been zero! i do WCs anyway. but i love the zero trates. i have pods, LR, DSB, and a whole lot of chaeto in it.


Active Member
HMMMM. I have one of those lights.:D Never expected it would be strong enough to prop anything.


Active Member
I have the light over a 15g fuge. It grows macro like weeds. I am actually going to use the same light on a 20g fuge for a 7g nano.


Active Member
Thats what I was thinking. It should be fine for macros though, right? Also Kip, is this 10,000? Congrats


fuges are also a great place to stick hitchhikers that are unsuitable for your display tank (mantis shrimp, gorilla crabs, etc)