Refugium vs. BioBalls...


50 gal bo-front with the following:
flame angel
yellow watchman
3 blue chromis
6 line wrasse
numerous inverts/corals
I've got a 10 gallon refugium but I'm thinking about converting it to a 10 gallon bio-ball system. The refugium lights cause the water temp to go up about 3 degrees and I don't have a lot of airflow where the ref is located. Since the water temp is about 77 to 81 degrees and the house temp, in the winter, is about 70 degrees I have a lot of condensation build up around the refugium lights and inside the cabinet. I'm worried about the moisture build up. What do you guys think about converting this to bio-balls?


Active Member
DON"T DO IT! I personally would only use bio-balls in a FOWLR. For a reef go with your fuge. I'm a little lost on your temperature situation. Do you think 81 is too high? My tank runs at 81-83 in winter and 83-85 in summer with no problems at all. As long as you have plenty of flow/surface agitation, you should have high enough dissolved O2 levels. What you don't want is a drastic temperature change throughout the day(+/-4 degrees a day). What ever your temp goes up to when your fuge light is on, try and keep the temperature always at that level by increasing the temp on your heaters.


Active Member
just buy a little clamp on fan and clamp it on the fuge blowing on the water, it should cool it down just fine.