refugium vs sump conversion


I have recently posted that after 9 weeks of cycling, my nitrates are still 35, although ammonia and nitrites are 0. I am planning to remove the bio balls from the wet dry(I do have a venturi in the wet dry). My live sand in the tank is approx. 2" deep. Should I just add a DSB where I have taken out the bio balls or would it be more helpful to get a hang on the back refigium from CPR where I can grow Caulerpa to keep down the brown algae. Then If I go that route, I am assuming that the sump and refugium are not connected to each other and work independently.
Is it better to use a "mud sollution that I have heard about in the refugium or just go with LS and some LR.
Thanks in advance.


The HOB refugium works on smaller tanks but your 46g would be pushing it as these things are not that big. they are better for growing pods than reducing nitrates since they are so small. I would probably just go ahead an either change out your sump to a refugium if it's big enough and if it's not replace it with something (rubbermade container or 20g cheap aquarium) that is big enough to be a refugium and have a section for your skimmer (if you have one).
FYI with 40lbs more of LR you probably would not need any other filtration other than something to reduce nitrates like a refugium.