refugium vs wet/dry


I ahd a wet dry for a year or so and nothing special ever happened .I converted it into a refuge and now I have great water quality and almost no nussence algae. I am very glad I did it.


ahhh, just the answer i'm looking for. So a refugium will cut down algea growth? I am getting tired of scraping algea off my tank almost every other day. the back wall of my tank has lots of brown hair algea.
what else will i benefit, besides that? thanks for answering my question.


It will also help with ph fluctuation and you can grow phytos and such in there to feed your tank. But I did it to keep down Nitrates and phosphates. I also switched to ro/di water . And the macros you grow will make a good food source for tangs and such. Lots of critters over time will make it a home and multiply to feed you tank.


thanks... :thinking:
i hear bio balls cause nitrate problem, but my trates are always at 0 to barely registering, same goes phosphates... thats basically the only reason why im sort of hesitant in doing the swap.