Refugium VS Wet Dry?

salty star

Was thinking of turning half of my sump into a refugim. In doing so would have to remove my wet dry. It is a 30 gal sump but there is not room for both. The main is 150 gal reef 3 tangs 2 clowns 2 cardinals 2 blennies many snials and crabs. Have a eheim 2028 filter also. Would not the refugium do more good and help the over all tank better then wet dry? Was going to add an air stone too. Also have an aqua C protein skimmer. Thanks Salty Star:rolleyes:


what else is in the tank? LR, DSB, any corals? In general, I would get rid of the wet/dry filter if you have other filtation mechanisms.
What is the airstone about?:confused:
You will need to add some light and macro algae. Or you can have a dark "sump fuge", which I have. Some calmer water with LR for a pod/sponge/wierd critter haven.
Anyway, more info will help us help you :cool:

salty star

I just thought the airstone would take the place of the wet dry gas exchange thing by pumping air into the sump. Just a thought. There many coral and 400 lbs dsb over 200 lbs of lr. 4 cleaner shrimps 2 blood 2 banded shrimp 1 arrow as noted many other crabs. Just put a light and live sand,caulerpa and critters from inland in a 5 gallon tank to get it all started. Also just seeded the main with worms,citters and live sand from inland also. The deep sand bed is new southdown. Thanks Salty Star.