Refugium with rubbermaid


I would like to know if I want to make a Refugium with rubbermaid, since I never did one in my life and will try to make one, the baffles are they still going to be acryclic on the rubbermaid or different? And also do I follow the same steps of all the other refugiums...
Any pics would help....Thank you


i wish i could get some pics for you but i dont have access right now. i just made one and used rubbermaid parts. i bought 2 of the same bins and cut one up to make baffles. i will try to get pics later tonight. i used pc-11 plumbing adhesive to get the baffles to hold then i sealed them all with aquarium silicone. very easy and cost around $17.


Thank you, I will try for my 20gl at work, first time building and hopefully i will understand the concept on how is done and in the future build real like sumps...
Anyone else have ny idea or pictures would help?
Please if you can add some pictures.....


Tks Squidd, do you have another small tank next to it that holds the chaeto and LS,LR or everything is inside the rubbermaid. And the way of making w/ rubbermaid, is the same concept as the other tanks, like the baffles etc....


Active Member
The glass tank to the right is the fuge, (could just as well be another rubbermaid)....
Baffle effect is created by cutting upper and lower slots in alternating tubs as you place them in...
In the one above, White bucket has slots near bottom(skimmer and overflow drain chamber) then "blue" tub has slots near top on side, then water slides around side to return pump in front which has a "partial" tub for a last ditch "deflective" baffle...