

Originally Posted by Adamc1303
Can a refugium work with out light, actually in the dark???
nope..the plant needs light to thrive..You can alternate though and put the lights off during the day and on at night to keep PH balanced..
good luck!


Active Member
I wanted to ad a hang on refugium to my sump in my stand. It's not the electricity that is the problem its how to get the light in there. Does a refugium realy improve water quality?


Originally Posted by Adamc1303
I wanted to ad a hang on refugium to my sump in my stand. It's not the electricity that is the problem its how to get the light in there. Does a refugium realy improve water quality?
Absolutely improves and helps. It is one of the most natural filtration systems. But there are regular filters out there that work well. I just prefer to buy whatever it takes to make my life easier.
All it needs is a small light placed right on top and they can hang right on your tank instead of below. I am not sure how a hang on would work under your cabinet .


Active Member
Well I have a 30 gallon sump and a very good wet dry system I ahve a protein skimmer,
U.V. sterlizer and a sand filter. The set up was expensive and workes great water levels are always good. Sometimes my fish do not eat all their foos (silversides) and I was wondering if a refugium would reduce my ammnia levels.


Active Member
you shouldnt have any ammonia, you need to do water changes and figure out why you have ammonia, i.e less feeding, etc.. a refugium is a must, however you mentioned you cant get lighting to it. try adding on a clip on lamp. it will clip right on and just get the highest intensity bulb you can get for the clip(highest wattage it can handle) and clip it right on the fuge and let it run 24/7


Active Member
SO HOW DO I START IT??? I want to know
A to Z what I buy how they work everything! Help me out people I know you know this stuff in your sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Heres a pic of the sump will I be able to hang it on the front? I saw some on Dr foster's site that hang on and they looked like they were only a few inches deep and mainly wide and tall.


Active Member
Adamc1303 said:
Heres a pic of the sump will I be able to hang it on the front? I saw some on Dr foster's site that hang on and they looked like they were only a few inches deep and mainly wide and tall.[/QUOTE
how about room in the back of the tank itself? you could put a HOB refugium behind it.. or you could plumb the refugium from a different room, its hard to tell how you could fit it anywhere from those pics...


Active Member
No room bheing the satnd only 3 inches, and no other room that I can plumb to. What is a hob refugium, the only ones that wil fit that I know of are the hang on ones I have like 5 inches from the sump to the dorrs when they close, the measurments I have for one I might use are 4 1/2 x12high


Active Member
HOB=Hang On Back
anyway, if you have the clearance you could hang it right on the end without the skimmer, wherever the return is for the sump. that should do it, get a clip on light to put on top of it...


Active Member
hmm.. well if you are wanting to know what to put in it, id say about 2 inches of miracle mud, chaeto, mangroves and a grow light.. .after that you can add macroalgae as you go. I dont have much experience with HOB fuges, but I imagine the way it looks its pretty much plug and play, read the directions...


Active Member
We are currently researching to set up a refuge ourselves. You might want to check out the big auction site and there seems to be some really good prices on hob ones on there as well. Just a thought for you. Good luck and let us know what you decide to do.


Active Member
umm, we can't do links on this forum out of respect to but I can tell you it rhymes with eday and is where Jay Leno is selling his harley.