

Just got my refugium set up, snad, grapes, cheato, and some other green plants. Just wondering if I am supposed to add any extra stuff like calcium or iodine? Also got some maxi jets going and now would like to start on a couple of corals. Do corals like good water movement?


One other thing, since I put in the new refugium the water flowing from the top box down through the tube into the refugium sounds extremely loud. Is there something that I need to change on it? What causes it to sound this way


Active Member
No, don't add anyhting if it is not needed.
Loud plumbing is caused by to much flow for the plumbing. The water cannot run along the walls of the pipe smoothly. Post some info on what you have done and what you are running. Include the pump, overflow, pipe size for drain and return, if it is hard plumbing or flex hose, ect......anything pertained to the refuge.


most overflow boxes have a peice of filter pad to put around the tube goin down to the sump. do not add anything unless you tested your tank and it actually needs it. i wouldnt buy any corals unles you have test kits for cal, alk, ph, amm, nit is the minimum. what kind of lights do you have in your tnak?


Originally Posted by Posiden
No, don't add anyhting if it is not needed.
Loud plumbing is caused by to much flow for the plumbing. The water cannot run along the walls of the pipe smoothly. Post some info on what you have done and what you are running. Include the pump, overflow, pipe size for drain and return, if it is hard plumbing or flex hose, ect......anything pertained to the refuge.
The tube looks like it is about three feet long, two inches wide. It is a flex hose. The return hose is pretty thin, not sure what size the pump is, it says t3100on top. Do I need a bigger pump?
I added to maxijets also, but it was making the noise before I added the jets.
Thanks, Shelley


Originally Posted by xcdennisx
most overflow boxes have a peice of filter pad to put around the tube goin down to the sump. do not add anything unless you tested your tank and it actually needs it. i wouldnt buy any corals unles you have test kits for cal, alk, ph, amm, nit is the minimum. what kind of lights do you have in your tnak?
I do have the test kits for ph, ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, and phisphates. Are there more than this. I have two 4ft compacts across the top, 55gal.


Originally Posted by shobby
One other thing, since I put in the new refugium the water flowing from the top box down through the tube into the refugium sounds extremely loud. Is there something that I need to change on it? What causes it to sound this way
Does your overflow box have a strainer? If so, does it have a hole in the middle of it with a small tube that looks like a straw? If so try moving the tube up and down and see if that helps. I have a wet/dry with one and it worked.
I have another wet/dry without. I added a strainer, drilled a hole on the top in the middle, inserted the tube, adjusted it and it too worked. Just another thought.