

I want to add a refugium to my 80 gallon to produce copepods. I'm unsure of the process. I know I need an overflow box to get the water from the main tank to the refugium. Is the best way to get the water back to the main tank a powerhead? If so what size do I need. All I'm interested in is copepods at this time so do I need lighting? I will add 40 lbs. LS and 20 lbs. LR.


If all you are worried about is pods, you could probably get by with a hang-on refugium (less plumbing problems). I would not rely on a power head to return water to the tank because I'm not sure how it would do with ~ 4' of head pressure. JMO.


I was going to do a hang on, but its an eclipse system, and not much room to add a hang on. Also the hang ons are over priced.


I use a maxi-jet 1200 to fill my tank during a water change and it does have enough head pressure to push 4 plus feet. I have a question about the pods though; if you use a sump-type refugium how do the pods get back in to the main tank or is that what you want?


From what I have been told is that the pod population should get thick enough that they will get sucked into the powerhead, and into the main tank. Also some say to just swap some of the LR in the refugium with the LR in the main tank on occasion.


Active Member
Stacy, here is some advice given by Wamp at an earlier time regarding this subject.Now obviously, you would have the overflow lead to the refugium and then be pumped back up into the main tank, and that would keep the parameters and such in check, but as for getting the pods into the main tank, he said to get a very porous piece of LR and place it in the refugium for some time, and then put it into the main tank. IMO, that's really good advice, but I would take it one step further, and get two nice size pieces of very porous LR and switch them back and forth, so you are constantly supplying pods to your main tank. This is what I would do, as most pods are killed in the impeller of the PH. I'm not saying not to get a PH and such, as you need it to keep the water the same and provide filtered water to your refugium, instead of just keeping months-old unfiltered water in it. I'm not sure if I'm making any sense or not, and if not, I'll try to make some later, if needed.