

New Member
Ok everyone was wondering does anyone have a refugium setup and since it was setup how have your nitrate levels been? I heard that with one of these and the right macroalge you can reduce your nitrate levels to nothing....


Active Member
i have had a refugium as the sole method of filtration on my 135 for about 2 years now. all of my water parameters, such as nitrate, trite and ammonia have been zero ever since starting it up! i also have a 6 inch dsb throughout the tank, and about an 8 inch substrate composed of aragamud in the fuge. works great and i would reccommend it to anyone!
good luck


Yes, I think the more natural the aquarium the better. when i set up my tank that is gona be my main source of filteration.:)


Active Member
the only thin gi wish i woudl have done would have been to set the fuge up so that it gravity returns to the display. right now the fuge sits below the tank, and a little giant pumps the filtered water back up to the display. im sure some critters make it through the gaints impeller, but im sure that an equally high number dont, either way, you ensure the saftey of yoru critters, at lest until they get eaten by fish or corals. if the fuge is gravity fed back to the display, but this is not practical for the majority of us. anyhow, i think its a great natural filter, and you will be amazed at the amount of life that shows up in your fuge! its weird stuff!
good luck


New Member
OK so if I have it gravity to the refugium and pump it back to the tank this is bad? or is it better to gravity return from the refugium??:confused:


Active Member
nol-o i would think and hope that the chopped up copeopod bits do feed the coral so i guess they are still doing their jobs! huh? kinda like planktonic particles that i would add to the tnak anyway, so they are still helping, and i m sure not all of them get chopped up, some have to make it whole throught the little giant!
do not be afraid little copeopods, there is a gian reef in the sky waiting for you. your tank needs you, be brave little fellas!
good luck

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Here is a pic of my 10 gallon that I just posted, which gravity feeds back to the tank AND is my sole method of filtration... although I run carbon once a month for a couple of days...