Regal Angel.


Any one has this beautiful fish and keeping it healthy?..
i heard very hard to keep this angel..
share your expierience. thanks..

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
I have seen this angel successfully kept many times. However, as with all other fish, but especially important with this fish, is that you obtain a good, settled specimen that is eating well. Once settled it is as hardy as any other angel. After purchasing a specimen like this, it is important to quarantine it further at home and get it nice and fat so that it can compete when put in the display tank. There has also been much debate over specimens from two seperate regions; those from the Indo-Pacific and those from the Indian Ocean and Red Sea. I have seen healthy specimens from both regions, but generally think that those from the Red Sea are superior, possibly due to collection methods. Red Sea specimens are more expensive, but MUCH more beautiful and in general survive better. But, once settled, I would say they both are equal. To sum it up, the specimen you buy is the most important thing.