Regal Angels!!!!!!!????Anyone


Active Member
Just checking to see if anyone had any i just wanted to see some different pics of them and if you have had success with them ( i know they dont have a very good survival rate)
im thinking about getting one
so please post


Here is a pic of mine for you. I have had this tang for over a year and she is doing really well. When looking for a "Regal Tang" be extra careful, these tangs are ich magnets!! I would NEVER even think of adding one to my display tank unless it had been quarantined for atleast 3-4 weeks! Also be sure to include vitamin soaked seaweed in its diet daily. If fed a healthy diet, given good water conditions and a large enough tank, I believe they do pretty well. Good Luck!!
-Jen :happyfish


Active Member
maybe someone posted, saw my post that said that you wanted regal angels and went back and deleted their post.


Active Member
I don't think you posted it. I think someone else did and then quick deleted it. On the biggest thread ever...ask Dougai. I know how to post pics, but I am not a good direction giver. Ask him-he'll help ya!


Sorry for the confusion, I thought your post said Regal "Tang", so I posted a picture of my "Regal" Tang, and someone pointed out that you were looking for "Angels", so I did delete my post. Sorry :( not paying attention, I guess.


Active Member
Horrible survival record and best left in the ocean. Those coming from the Red Sea do a little better in captivity.
Not a fish for the novice or newbie to the hobby.


Hi I know a little about Regal ANGELS!
The majer problem is that thy need a big Big BIG
TANK no littler than a 180gal and perfect water quality!!!!
"Teens" do beter then a full adult and if you get one eating
you might have some luck. If you can afford it try it!

You live in chicago???
I live in Aurora what do you think about the CMAS :notsure:
(Chicagoland Mrine Aquarium Society)


Hey, NathanR, look in a previous post where somebody was asking about tangs, groupers, etc., and also regal angels. I recommend you contact the guy I mentioned there. He's 3-3 on his regals surviving and he's also tried a moorish idol and had that survive...


Active Member
Originally Posted by NATHANRR
Hi I know a little about Regal ANGELS!
The majer problem is that thy need a big Big BIG
TANK no littler than a 180gal and perfect water quality!!!!
"Teens" do beter then a full adult and if you get one eating
you might have some luck. If you can afford it try it!

You live in chicago???
I live in Aurora what do you think about the CMAS :notsure:
(Chicagoland Mrine Aquarium Society)
never heard of that?? what is it?? i live in lake zurich.. nw suburbs its by palatine..umm..schaumburg kind of??!