Regal Tang injured


I have posted before about my carpet anemone stinging my maroon clown. Didn't get too many responses why, so I still haven't figured out why. Now the carpet got ahold of my regal tang,which is about 7inches. The regal was able to get away, but not until he was stung over most of his body. It happened a couple hours ago, and his breaathing has finally slowed down a bit, but his skin is covered with whitish slimy hanging spots. Poor fish. I think he'll be ok but I guess I will find out. The carpet is at least a foot across when fully open. Sorry for the long post, but worried about what all the toxin is doing to the tang


Well, my tang didn't make it. Just found him dead this morning. Must have been too much of a shock to his system. Bummer!

ed r

Very sorry to hear about your loss. It seems from what I read that large carpet anemonees are quite able to catch and kill many fish. Their sting is more severe, and they seem to actively try for the prey. Most other anemonees are just neighbors in the tank. Unless a fish blunders into them, he is not bothered. Also, unless very badly stung, fish often recover from incidental contact with other anemonees. I guess it is unfortunately the chance you have to take to keep a large carpet species. An anemonee that can catch and kill clownfish is always going to be a risk to other fish.