Regal Tang's health in question

ross k.

New Member
I recently mail ordered a few tangs, one of which was a regal. It eats very well, a variety of nori, mysis shrimp and grazes on live rock. It seems to have these odd bulges in its stomach rather then a nice rounded stomach. Also it twitches quite often and every now and then rubs on live rock. What could be ailing it? Will it get better on its own, after all it is eating quite well, it has plenty of room and the water chemistry is perfect? What would be a good cure? Thank you for any help.


Staff member
An occasional rub on a rock is not reason for concern. Have you noticed if this fish is passing feces? If not, check on this.

ross k.

New Member
Yes it is passing feces, and they do have color and are not clear or stringy. Will the lumps just go away over time? Or are they normal? Again thanks for any suggestions.