I have three regal tangs in a 125. I had two neon gobies disappear and also a yellow tang which may have been a meal for a rose anemone. At the same time two of my three regals always stay hidden. I thought one of them was dead. When I tried to remove it I saw that it was still alive. Instead of putting him back in my tank I moved him to the refugium that I just hooked up my 125. (I hope that was not a mistake.) It is a 29 gal with grape caulerpa growing in it. Today I was able to take a closer look the fish. It's eye has fuzz on it as if it was molding. It's tail looks as if it is rotting. The other fish does not appear to be as sick but it still will not come out. Any ideas? Should I move both fish to a hospital tank. Because I have a reef tank I do not have anything to treat the fish with plus I don't know what is wrong with them. I do have a 10 gal set up for a hospital tank but I need to test the water first.