Regular ick and Black ich .... same treatment ?

Well, the Naso has cured himself of the normal salt looking ick, now he is COVERED in black spots....EVERYWHERE. From the descriptions it sounds like black ich. 10g QT is FINALLY ready and wanted to make sure the hypo will work for the black ich as well. THX !!!


Staff member
If your fish had ich, it is not going to cure on its own. Ich has a 3-stage life cycle, only one of which is the parasite actually visible on the fish. If you do not see ich, it is because you can't see it, not because it is not there.
Black ich needs to be treated with formalin bath. Using your same tank water, place fish in a bucket with an airstone running, add formalin at prescribed dose. Fish bathes for 45 mins, every other day for 3-5 days.
Thanks Beth, looks like I'm going to buy another 75g and a 55g trying to make sure I always have a tank for QT. The 10 is ready, so there is some fish moves coming up !!! Will the formalin get the regualr ich if he still has that ?