Regular t-5s?


Active Member
Hi I have a 90 gallon tank with a small sailfin tang in it right now. I would like to maybe add a pair of GS maroons with an anemone but I don't really want to buy a 48 HO t-5 just for one. I already have a GS maroon in a 36 gallon with a LTA for about 5 months now and there doing really well. So I guess I'm semi-experianced with them.
My question is will a regular 55 dollar Non highoutput t-5 and actinic be good enough for an anemone along with feeding? There is also TONS of light from windows.(I know the tank isn't suppose to be but it's next to 2 and surrounded by another 6) so there's always sunlight directly on the tank if if makes a difference. I also have a t8 bulb on now which could be kept on if it helps
What anemone can I keep?... If any
I'm not big on lighting and don't know too much so Thanks!


Active Member
ok thanks I kind of expected that haha. whats the minimum lighting I would need? anybody have suggestions on an inexpensive unit?