Relist-Emperor Angel F/S


I am relisting this Emperor Angel about 6-7 inches going down on the
price from $90 to $75 to $60 or make me an offer. prefer pick-up
I will trade for a Powder blue tang, Sohal Tang or Achilles Tang about the
same length.
I bought a French angel and the two don't get along at all. My wife said
she want to keep the French and we all know what the wife say, the
wife get...
I live In the Ft. Lauderdale Florida area. If you live in Dade, Broward or Palm Beach
county, We can meet half way if you like.
Thanks, ZK



ok heres the deal.. my mother lives in fortlauderdale. i live in Pa. shes coming up tomaorw.. can you take fish on a plane?????? if so shes right off broward blvd by the 7-11 so ill do some research and if you can to that would be great.. i can have her meet you at the 7-11 BUT with the fishes best intrest timing is going to be everything youll actually have meet her right before the flight do to the fish will be in the damn bag for about 2 hours in the air and about an hour bording and unbording.. i live 4 min from teh airport up here so ill get him acclimated and in the tank quick.. your water paramiters would be helpful to so i know what hes used to i have a 75 gallon with 110lbs of LR and 3 other small fish.. thanks


Active Member
With the recent FAA restrictions put into effect, you are not allowed to take any liquid onto planes...including fish in water.
And, unfortunately, a 75gal. would be quite an injustice, to put that fish in...way too small.


thats what i was looking to hear.... not to familiar with the fish i just spent the last half an hour reading up on him.. i thought he was a good lookin fish so did my wife.. but ill guess well pass thanks any way


Hey puff_puff_,(Jayson)
Thanks for the interest, sorry it didn't work out for you. I know the 7-11 eleven you are talking about.
And jhebi (Alex) I will email you. I have not shiped any fish before.
Thanks, ZK


Thanks FunkyMan,
I wish I could keep her, but the wife want to keep the French Angel and I
got to keep her happy.
Later, ZK


Active Member
Very beautiful. Someone buy this fish now!! Its so lonely and in quarentine tank!! Buy it now.
If that helps =]


Originally Posted by Mistergn10
if you will give you 75.00 shipped to atlanta ...

Hey Mistergn10,
I am not sure what you are saying.
Thanks, ZK


would you take $75.00 dollars shipped to atlanta would love to have that great looking fish in my 210 last fish from florida i pd $45 PLUS SHIPPING AND SHIPPING COST $35


Hey Mistergn10,
Thanks for the offer, but at this time I am still hoping to fine her a home
without shipping. If I have to ship I will keep you in mind.
Thanks, ZK


well if you decide i'll give you even $50 plus shipping hopefully that would make it worth it thanks for the respond
if he is still available on the weekend of the 22nd i,ll take him off your hands i,ll have to get a battery powered airpump it will be a 3 hour ride back to his new home i,am getting my 125 ready as we speak :thinking:


Hey clowntrigger2k,
Hopefully he will not still be around, but if he is, I will be happy to let you take
Thanks, ZK


Originally Posted by Mistergn10
well if you decide i'll give you even $50 plus shipping hopefully that would make it worth it thanks for the respond

To be honest this fish is worth more then your offering. on drs foster and smith live aquaria they have one thats 8" selling for 799.95. I would buy it in a heat beat for my 125 if he could ship it to MI with no problems. best way to do it if you ship dont feed him/her for 3-4 days before shipping and he will be fine.


Also you can ship by the airline. They just have to see whats in the box before sealing the package and from Florida to MI it would run about 48.00 and would be here in about 4-6 hours. All you have to do is book the flight within 48 hours of departure and be there 1 hour before the flight leaves.


Hey reefn4life,
I know he is worth a lot more but I was just trying to fine a good home
without shipping. Thanks for all the information and if I have to ship, you and a couple of others people that was interest will be let known.
Thanks again, ZK