I agree, they used to be the ONLY thing, now there is all kinds of competition.
They want a sure thing. They don't want to take chances.
Again I say they are not out of ideas, they just want the most money they can get out of it. Who can blame them, we all want to make big money at whatever we do. It is America after all.
To me, wanting money, money, money is what caused the recession. Everything costs so much. The big businesses moved to where they can pay their employees the least. The inevitable layoffs are the result of businesses wanting the same or more profit as the year before.
Greed is the reason things are so bad now. Items are made the cheapest they can make it and charge the biggest buck. People can't afford it, they can't keep their jobs. Folks are losing their houses, can't afford to buy things that are not necessary. Everything is going to pot because of greed.
Now there is nothing worth watching at the movies because of greed. They don't want to make anything new.
We can't afford the movies, so we wait for the DVD to come out. Recession has hit everywhere. Yes, even Hollywood.
It is still a huge amount money being made, but they want more.