Remora break in time?


Well, my Remora with Maxijet 1200 arrived today! It's been running for over 3 hours now, but still no skimmate production.
For those of you with the Remoras, how long should it take usually to really get going? Unfortunately, my hands were in the tank quite a bit during setup, since I had to get the overflow box on and level etc...
I was hoping some major skimmate production would start soon, and it's been the few hours suggested in the manual for production to start.
It's been without a skimmer for two months, since I had to save up the money after my Prizm died (I know, what a surprise...:) ). The tank (20gal) had decent hang-on filtration and water changes were done approx. once a week, but still the algae got pretty bad. Am I correct in assuming that the lack of a skimmer for two months was at least part of the reason for the algae bloom? There's a little bit of everything as far as algae goes; brown, green, reddish color, some slime and lots of hair-type growing now... My new power compact lighting is also part of the problem I know (6 watts/gallon right now) but still, I'm a bit bewildered how it could go from just fine to a full-out bloom so quickly.
Well, sorry to make this so long, it's just frustrating trying to control all of this algae.
-Joe S.
p.s. The picture is a week old. I had just scraped the algae off the top part of the tank, and I was in the middle of a small water change. I am hoping to add 20-25 pounds of live rock and some live sand to the bottom soon to help improve biological filtration. Will this help, or will the algae just overtake the live rock right away and kill off all of the beneficial growth on the rock?


It took my Remora a good 2 weeks to really start doing its thing. After that, I had to empty the collection cup everyday so it wouldn't overflow. Give it some time, it will work.