Remove bioballs from Biocube?


A friend told me to remove the bioballs from the middle chamber of my biocube and replace with a carbon pack??? I agree with removing the bioballs as for they might just cause more ammonia and to much "beneficitial bacteria" but i dont want to do the whole refugim thing, addin LR or any of the sort. Something simple if that?


subie! lol how did i know youd come through with a quick answer.. ok sweet deal. i going to look into it. btw just tossed in two frags of red sea pulsing xenia. used the toothpick method and managed to place in a low flow area so they can plant there foot. whats next man... lol?


Active Member
Should be fine, xenia takes a few days usually to acclimate. Basically, how I explained that quickie fuge to you, is how I set mine up, works great.


once the xenia attaches to the LR should i just be able to take the tothpick out like nothing?... how long til it attaches itself?