"Removing" an anemone


My new RBTA and a few astrea snails have been in quarentine for a few days and are now ready to move to my tank. Of course, they have firmly attached themselves to the glass. So, what is the safest way to remove them so I can transport them? The man at my LFS used his thumb and/or thumbnail to gently nudge the anemone away from the glass. He picked the astreas right off of the glass gently. Is this a good way or is there a better way? Sorry to ask what is probably a very dumb question, but I don't want to lose such an expensive and incredible animal...well, the RBTA anyway.:)


Active Member
whenever i want to get my snails off the glass, twisting them seems to be an effective way with no sign of health problems. as for the anemone try to use ur thumb GENTLY and try to work it under his foot. DO NOT USE ENOUGH FORCE TO FEEL A TARE. it will probly take 30+ minutes. if u rip his foot theres a chance he will die. so just use ur thumb VERY gently and it should come off. hope that helps


Active Member

Originally posted by wocka
it will probly take 30+ minutes.

So long? Should only take no more than 3 minutes. If it takes more than 10, you should just stop if the anemone is latched on in a crevice so hard.


Active Member

Originally posted by wocka
i dont see how it wil take 3 mins.. thats not taking it off gently..

Try aiming a PH at it, sometimes they'll move and then you can get him. :D


Active Member

Originally posted by wocka
i dont see how it wil take 3 mins.. thats not taking it off gently..

I've done it a few times in under 2 minutes. The anemone would open back up another 2 minutes in its new spot. No tears, still minimal stress.


If the anemone is attached to the glass then you can use an ice cube on the outside of the glass and he should let go in a few minutes.
If on the rocks then I'd go with the powerhead idea first


Active Member

Originally posted by ryand
30 minnutes and he would probly attach to you anyways how do you guys not get stung??

BTA's and RBTA's are one of, if not the, least aggressive anemone IMO. I have never gotten stung while touching it with my bare hands.


Well, the anemone handled the move quite well. I was worried that I may have torn it at first, but I think it is fine. It is sitting comfortably in my tank now. Of course, it became quite attached to the plastic bag I transported it in...literally! :D So, I just snipped the rest of the bag away with scissors and left the anemone attached to it. I'm sure the anemone will leave the plastic and find a better home. I placed it right over the rock I hope it will inhabit some day. Should I worry about getting the plastic bag out of there, or should I let nature take its course and wait for the anemone to detach from the piece of plastic bag?
Thanks all,
Joe S.