Removing an anemone ?


Active Member
I have 2 GBTA that I want to remove. My rose is very large and is crowding these guys. I am not whey they do not find another place.
What is the best way to remove without hurting them/not get attacked.
They are 3/4 down and they are attached to a rock that you can not remove without dsiturbing the rose. Plus they are guarded by a pair of gold bands that are very protective of "their" area.
Did use a glove but she nipped above the glove. Used a piece of plexie but she swam around it. Maybe I should just leave them in?


Active Member
When I bought my BTA it was deeply set in a very large piece of live rock that would have cost me huge money here in Canada. My LFS tried for 1 hour to get this BTA to let go of the rock.
What she did was to lift the rock out of the water and dangle the anemone just above the water as they will let loose and reach for the water. After several attmepts at this it did not let go ( it loves its home) so she just charged me for the anemone and I told her that if the anemone moves on its own I would bring the rock back. Well 2 months later and that anemone is not moving anywhere except getting bigger.
Guess I got a good deal hey.....

Good luck and hope that you get them seperated or one moves on to another rock for you.