Removing anenomes


I have 2 red tipped anenomes that are on live rock. I want to move them 2 a diffrent tank . Whats the easiest way???????:notsure:

mr. tuna

Active Member
take them out... but if they are stuck on a rock, take the rock with them. And acclimate them to the temp. of the other tank and put them in.


All hail the turky baster... try using it to blow water at the foot of the anemones it will generaly make them loose their grip they almost peal off the rock with out hurting them.


Active Member
I have always used a powerhead. I used to move and secure my PH so that it increased the flow on them. They will hate it and most likely detatch to find a better spot, at that time gab it and go from there. IMHO, wait till it is lose and dont try to pry off the rock, it could damage the foot and may not recover. HTH.