removing copper from hospital tank


how do i remove copper from hospital tank i have live sand in it if i remove livesand can longhair animmities survive without sand how do i get copper out of filters aquaclear hangons i need hosptal tank for inverts so i can do hypo on show tank also can i leave live rock in when i do hypo i remeber last time i did hypo i left it in just want to check any help appriciated i also have a tank with triggers and snfeal can these inverts possibly be safe in ther


Staff member
You can not put longhair animities [aka anemones] in a tank that has been treated with copper, or a tank that does not have adequate lighting.
Please check out the hyposalinity post in the FAQ Thread. It has all the info.


well what i did was get 2 of those little plastic spieces boxes with covers ther called critter boxes i put some ls in them put my inverts and animities (sorry for spelling) in them and put them in my trigger tank they cant get out triggers cant get in but there trying water quality in that tank is perffect and so far everything is fine im using poly filter and diatom carbon to get copper out of hospital tank but ill proberly leave my inverts in ther boxes if it gets to crowdwe ill put up a tank divider and give them a little more room but so far so good knock on wood how many days for hypo from start to finish i started at 20 and i want to get to 10 do i count from when i get to 10 or the first day i started