Removing Damsels


New Member
my tank is cycled and I am going on my 5th week.I have three damsels in the tank that I am told are going to cause all types of trouble when adding fish.Is there any way of removing them other than re-arranging my LR?


Active Member
Wait until nighttime and turn the lights off. Use a flashlight with a red lens and scoop up the damsels while they are sleeping.
ps-if you don't have a red lens, get a red marker. Don't color the lens like you are coloring on paper, rather use a pecking motion to place dots on the lens. This way you get a thick coat of red marker on the lens instead of wiping off marker everytime you make a stroke.

who dey

Active Member
i started my 125 w/ damsels. when i went to do my first water change i got lucky, the curious devils went right for the syphon tube and i sucked them out!!!!!:jumping:


For those whom happpen to read this and are considering using damsels to cycle their tank; use green chromis damsels. They are not agressive twords other fish and/or each other. This way, one will not have to take out their fish after their purpose has been served.


Active Member
Use a dead shrimp to cycle, not any fish at all. The fish suffer greatly during the cycle :(
Plus its not difficult to catch a rotting shrimp when the cycle is over, hehe.


Active Member
No offense, I know that I'm new to this, but I would NEVER cycle a tank with live fish after knowing what the poor things go through during this process. I can't even stand the thought that a hitch hiker bumble bee snail from my live rock might not making it through the cycle (cuz I can't find the little bugger) What's wrong with using an uncooked shrimp from the grocery store? Not as exciting, I know...but STILL...poor fishies