removing emporer 400 and switching to reef


i am considering removing my hob filter from my 55gal and adding more live rock for filtration and switching to more of a reef set up. currently i have about 40lbs of tufa rock which about 1/3 is under the sand and has been set up like this for about two years. current inhabitants are a pepermint shrimp, skunk cleaner shrimp, bicolor bleenie, sixline wrasse and a false perc clown. the only other filtration is a prizm skimmer. will this skimmer be able to handle the filtration for my tank the only other fish i plan on adding is another 2 fish, a clown and maybe a dwarf angel or a blue reef chromis or should i think about diying a bigger skimmer.also within the next two weeks i will be adding about a 13gal sump and maybe a small refugium if i can find room behing my tank. for removing the filter should i leave it in till i get a few more pounds of live rock in there then remove the bio wheels one at a time a few weeks apart or should i remove one now then the other one with the rest of the filter? the live rock will be added a piece at a time and spread out a few weeks between pieces. also on placing the live rock should i use some more base rock under it pushing it down into the sand, some pvc pipe beneath the sand, or just rest it on the sand? thanks for any help

kevin j

I did the exact some thing you did but with my 75 gallon reef. You dont need that filter infact DO get rid of it slowly though one week one bio-wheel then next week the other and so forth. Then I would get a better skimmer especially since you are getting a sump go with a euro reef. You cannot belive with this skimmer pulls out. I use to have hair algea then did what your going to do and now I have none. Good luck Oh yeah some more live rock couldnt hurt.


I did the exact same thing too! I have a 55 gal tank and had an emporer 400 filter and then switched to a sump, and added more LR. It was definitely a good idea. You should definitely wait a few weeks to remove the emporer. I waited a month before I removed mine and everything is doing fine. I have hair algae too and have not seen the problem go away yet, but hopefully I will! As far as the rocks go, I just have mine set on top of the sand, maybe a half inch burried or so. HTH


thanks. never really had any algae problems but then again never had more than three fish. i think ill try supporting the rock with some pvc bipe if i can get it into and beneath the sand without stirring it up tomuch i have a bicolor bleeni thats starting to dig alot. i dont mind though he made a cool little cave on a flat bed of sand by turning a large turbo shell somehow and digging a crater in front of it kinda puzzled me at first how the shell and crater got like that but then saw him hide and moving sand around in hismouth

the claw

Active Member
HMMMMMMm on my 55, I left mine. It helps in removing partical matter, improves circulation, redudant biofiltration, and acts as a mini-refugium.(Ever see how many pods and worms make their home in the filter pad.) It is also a convenient station to add carbon or chemical filtration if needed. My vote is leave it unless you need the room.


well im gonna need the room as soon as i add the overflow for a diy sump. ill have a sponge on the overflow outlet and possibly dump it into a 100micron filter sock before it goes into the sump and ill find a media bag to throw some carbon in there.