Removing fish from tank


Other than 2 net method is there any other way to get at a fish for QT. I do not want to take apart my LR and other tank decor to get this Yelow Tang out. Tank is about 30in deep and already have been up to my arm pits in Salt Water with no success. This guy is quick and knows every nook and cranny in this tank.


Tangs can be tricky and they are super wuick I wish you luck bu removing some rock work is one way and although not the desired method by most, it will be the least stressful on an already sick fish IMO. You could try surrounding him when he is in the rock with 2 nets then scoop him out that worked for me once HTH.


Active Member
Netting can be dangerous for the fish (esp. their eyes). I recommend you use a clean plastic bucket (like an ice cream pail) and chase it into that. I've caught all my fish this way. IMO, much easier for me and the fish. :)



Originally posted by karajay
Ne I recommend you use a clean plastic bucket (like an ice cream pail)

.. or one of those Lee's clear plasic containers they use at the LFS to get fish.
A book I read recommended turning the lights off and then using a flashlight to ambush the fish when its least suspecting. (I suppose this wouldnt work with nocturnal fish.) Another trick would be to try and net it when its feeding.
Has anyone had any success with either of the above as I have never tried either, just read about them.
-- Thanks



Originally posted by TorranceJones
A book I read recommended turning the lights off and then using a flashlight to ambush the fish when its least suspecting. (I suppose this wouldnt work with nocturnal fish.) Another trick would be to try and net it when its feeding.
Has anyone had any success with either of the above as I have never tried either, just read about them.
-- Thanks

I caught a damsel using a plastic spring water bottle (20 oz size). I cut the bottom off and cut holes in the side and tied fishing line to it. Then I put some food in the bottle and when the fish swam in I pulled him out.
Tangs are suckers for caulerpa so you might want to use that as bait.


Oh yes! Sorry but you are trying to catch a Tang not a good idea to try and net him his spikes may become tangled in the netting. Use the plastic containers mentioned above and you should be ok.


i just recently had to catch a 6" queen angel from a 180g tank with about 200lbs of lr, i thought this would be impossible, but it only took 10 minutes.
basically i got lucky the little b@stard has an attitude and wouldn't stay in the lr so, unfortunately, had to use 2 nets and cornered her by 2 of my powerheads. i was concerned about using nets because i thought she would get stuck but i had a bucket ready with water and put her right in and she came out no problems.