Removing mushrooms


I have 2 little red mushrooms right beside my xenia I aould like to move how do I get them off the rock? I have heard that once you get them off you can take a dab of crazy glue and put them on another rock. Is this true?


Active Member
you cant really glue them b/c they are really slimy, i dont really know if its possible to remove a shroom w/o a new one growing in the same place


I've fragged mushrooms a few times now and I cut them off with a razor blade as close as I can to the rock it seems to do the job. As far as the super glue goes it works pretty good on them, just don't put to much or it will kill the shroom. Check the archives on fragging mushrooms, there's a great post on it. Good luck.


Active Member
crazyglue doesnt work well. Cut the shroom and put him in a dish with sand. His foot will pick up some of the sand. Take him out after about 10 min and crazy glue the sand on his foot to the rock.


Eye it always works for me to man. I've fragged shrooms with no troubles. But what does it matter the people can do it the way they want.