Rep Maxine Waters lets the cat out of the bag

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
at this point, let the left win in 08. the right will definately be back in control in 2012.
Unfortunately Obama may have an opportunity during those 4 years to appoint more liberal activist judges, which IMO are sending this country down the drain.


Active Member
I do love the reactions of the guy and girl behind her though (esp. the girl).
I didn't know it was the government's agenda to chastise someone about how much they make?
However it's a lose-lose. They need to drill more, but having them drill anywhere they want is not a good idea.


Active Member
I remember when waters was a member of the LA School Board. She was an idiot back then and she seems to have perfected it since.

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I remember when waters was a member of the LA School Board. She was an idiot back then and she seems to have perfected it since.
So logically thinking, this would make her supporters idiots as well. Makes sense to me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by salty blues
So logically thinking, this would make her supporters idiots as well. Makes sense to me.
She is elected because of herd mentalitly voters. Nothing unusual about that. Look at the number of people who are in love with Obama because it is the cool thing to do. They can't name a single thing he accomplished his first term in the senate or during his time in the state legislature. All they know is he's black and a Democrat