They absolutely do make 115v versions of those fans, and they are more common than most think. That type of fan is most often associated with computers where they are always 12v, but they are found in all sorts of things at all different voltages.
Jameco dot com is my place of choice for fans. You'll need the dimensions in length/width and thickness, the approximate CFM rating, and the voltage (which you already have).
Jameco's site has a drillable filter where you can narrow it down to something that'll work for you. You'll want to select "AC Tube Axial Fans" in the width/length you need.
Length/width will need to match, thickness can vary depending on how much room is in your fixture. CFM needs to be the same or greater (though going too much greater will make it noisier).
Also keep in mind that 120v fans can come with either terminals or leads. I assume you need leads, so if you get a fan with terminals, be sure to get a matching cord. Jameco sells those too.