Replacing crushed coral with LS & LR


New Member
i was planning on switching my current setup and was wondering what type of filter system anyone would recommend. has anyone heard of a jebo? i have a 55 gallon tank. how ruch lr & ls do you think i need?


Active Member
don't waste your money buying anything with the jebo odysee name on it. if you can afford it and have the room a sump / fuge would be the best choice (IMO) for filtration. you can also do a wet dry or a canister. you have to watch canisters though cause they can trap nitrates.
as far as how much live rock and live sand for a 55 gal. i have 60 lbs of live sand and 100 lbs of live rock in my 55 gal.


New Member
Originally Posted by dmjordan
don't waste your money buying anything with the jebo odysee name on it. if you can afford it and have the room a sump / fuge would be the best choice (IMO) for filtration. you can also do a wet dry or a canister. you have to watch canisters though cause they can trap nitrates.
as far as how much live rock and live sand for a 55 gal. i have 60 lbs of live sand and 100 lbs of live rock in my 55 gal.
cool do you have any pictures of it?