Replacing glass on a tank?


I can have a 220 tall tank that has a crack in the front glass. I believe the glass is 1/2" or 5/8" thick. Can the front glass be replaced? If so I wouldn't imagine it would be more than $200 at my glass shop and the tank will be over $1000 to replace. I was just wondering


I'm judging the price by 1/4" glass that size being about $100 there by the way. I just doubled the price. Not just shooting in the dark


Well-Known Member
for a tank that size, replacing one pane of glass is definately much cheaper then a new tank. Have fun siliconing everything up!


I couldnt imagine it being THAT hard. (of course i say this with absolutely no experience with replacing glass). But considering the bottom and sides of the tank are already lined up, i would hope it would be as simple as some silicone and a bunch of clamps. I'd say definately worth a shot.


It's not very difficult to do, but I would have a glass shop do it for a tank that size. It will be difficult to get tje rim of the tank off to replace the pane. Also I don't think a glass shop will garuntee it against breakage or warranty it. SO with that in mind you may want to try it yourself, but experience in this case can go a long way in my opion.