Replacing Glass Panels



My LFS said that they won't drill any tanks less than 30g due to the glass thickness issue. If I removed the panels of glass that I want to drill on my 10g and replaced them with 1/4" acrylic, would it work? Thanks!


Active Member
Unless you removed all the glass and built yourself an acrylic tank no, you can't bond the glass to the acrylic.


Ok. So here is the plan: Remove all the panels of glass and replace it with 1/4" acrylic. Secure it to the plastic frame and use silicone on the seams.
Think it'll work? Thanks!


Active Member
You would have to use weld-on, silicone won't keep that panels together.
You could take a stab at drilling. My LFS has a whole bunch of drilled 20gal longs and I'm sure the glass isn't too much thicker than it would be on a 10gal.


Active Member
You can drill a 10g but you have to be very careful since the glass is so thin and then you need to be sure and put a towel or something soft to catch the glass disk that will drop out of the hole so it doesn't break one of the other panels. You can find the bits on popular site and lots of videos showing how to do it on you-tube.

devil dog

Active Member
Just tell him to drill it if it brakes so what your out like $12 for a new 10g tank... or take the tank to your local glass shop and they will drill it for about $10.00 per hole...