Replacing PC bulbs Question?


Ok people I need your help yet again.
I am replacing my PC bulbs since they are from 4-1-2004 and I have a cryano issue. Since I only have a FOWLR tank can I replace all bulbs (2- 10K and 2-ctinic at once)? I know most posted when I searched said do only one like every week, but since I do not have coral will there be a problem? Or will all at once cause an algae problem?
Sorry it is a dumb question but I am trying to battle cryano and do not want to make it worse with a “light spectrum issue”.


Quote from Getting Rid of Red Slime Thread:
Another problem may be that the light source is on for too long a period. True that over a natural reef, there may be light 12 out of the 24 hours in a day, but if you really think about it, the intensity of this light is only at its maximum for about 2-3 hours a day, and sufficient light for about 8-9 hours a day. If you turn on your lights for 12 hours a day, at full strength, then you are providing far too long of a lighting period. Try limiting the amount of time that lights are on to 7-8 hours a day. A good starting point is to cut the amount of time that your lights are currently on for in half. Then slowly bring the time period up over the next few weeks. Keep adding a half an hour every couple days until you reach 7-8 hours. If you see the cyano return, then back it off a little.
Adjusting the lighting is the easiset method to dealing with a cyano outbreak, but it is not always the solution. If either of these dont work, then keep reading.
Another fuel for the growth of cyano is an excess of nutrients. This is the most commonly thought of source for an algae bloom, but is not always the case. Excess nutrients can come from only two places. And you are adding both of them. They dont just appear out of nowhere. Phosphates, and nitrates are the two most common nutirents found to promote algae growth. These can come form a poor quality water source and excess feeding.
For startes, RO water is a must. RO/DI is even better. Using either of these as your water source will GREATLY aid in your battle. Expecially if you are currently using tap or another form of unfiltered water. Using RO or RO/DI water will eliminate any excess nutrients that may have been present in your source water which will help to reduce the accumulation of any excess nutrients.
Another cause for excess nutrients is over feeding. Feeding any aquarium properly is a difficult task for anyone, but especially beginners. Most of the time, people over feed their tank, BIG TIME! Rarely do people under feed a tank, otherwise their fish would be dead. This is the only area that I cannot give advise on as I dont know what kind of fish you guys keep, or what kind of food you are giving. But as a general rule of thumb, feed only enough food that it is all gone in under five minutes. I do advocate feeding on a daily basis, but some systems just cannot handle this. Personally, I feed about every other day. I may go two days once in a great while, but I found that feeding every day was too much for my system, and I got Cyano. Most people would be surprised to know that fish could go a good 4-5 days without food and be perfectly fine. I dont suggest this, as it is just mean to starve you fish, but I tell you as a frame of reference. So as another defense, cut down on feedings. Maybe less food, or less often, or both.
Another probelm that causes a buildup of nutirents is an insufficient cleanup crew. The buildup of detritus, uneaten food, etc, all breaks down and ends up as nitrates. Food for the cyano. Try bulking up the janitors if this is a problem in your tank. And if you are looking for something that eats red slime, dont hold your breath. I have tried every single animal that is claimed to eat red slime, and none of them did, so stick with the usuals to keep detritus and decaying matter to a minimum.
Keeping filtration equipment clean and functioning properly can also aid in the reduction of nitrate and nutrient build ups. Clean powerheads, pumps, any sponges, filter media such as bio balls, etc. AND KEEP YOUR SKIMMER CLEAN! If you only clean one piece of equipment in your tank, make it you skimmer. This is one of the best lines of defense the aquariust has against red slime. Empty your skimmer cup regularly like its your job.
Another problem that can fuel the growth of red slime is an accumulation of carbon dioxide. Cyano is similar to algae in the sense that it uses CO2 as a food source. CO2 can build up in a reef tank if their is too little flow. This is a very simple problem to fix, it often means simply the redirection or replacement of a powerhead. Check to see that you are getting good flow in your tank and that there are no dead spots. At a minimum, 10x turnover per hour is needed, with 15x-20x being even better.
This next step IMO, was the most beneficial in the removal of red slime as well as general well being of the tank. I used to do one 10% water change once a month. I then switched to doing 5% on a weekly basis. The difference in water quality was remarkable. My tank looked clearer, cyano went away as did the hair. Levels stabilized, and fish activity and coral growth improved. Try doing some smaller water changes more frequently. I PROMISE IT WILL HELP! It may not make your cyano go away as it may be caused by somthing else, but the general well being of your tank will improve.
Also, manual removal of cyano with a turkey baster is often very necessary to aid in its disappearence. This is much easier to do after the lights go out, because there is less of it when the lights are off for a while.
I have said this before, and got som flak for it, but I stand by it. The use of any chemical products is not recommended, nor are they reef safe. the products used are an antibacterial agent. Granted it does kill the cyanobacteria, but it takes out teh good bacteria along with it. Although many people have used these products, and have had good results of eliminating the red slime, it is a temporary fix for an underlying problem. Fix the source, and it will go away on its own. A chemical additive is NOT a good thing to use, it will take out the good along with the bad and may cause a mini if not full recycle of the tank depending on the doasage.
In summation, there are some key steps to the elimination of red-slime:
1. Adjust lighting. Change bulbs, or photoperiod.
2. Keep feeding to a minimum. Try reducing the amount or the frequency of feeding.
3. Keep equipment running properly and clean.
4. Increse flow rates.
5. Increase water change frequencies.


I don't see why not, since you should be limiting the time that the lights are on at the same time as replacing the bulbs...